BlockChain Innovation

For many of us, the arrival of BlockChain and Cryptocurrency is, to say the least, a little scary. But if you think back to what once were ‘futuristic” programs and movies, like Star Trek and Star Wars, they did not deal in physical currency. Well the future is no longer on the horizon, it has arrived.


Especially in today’s world, physical money creates a real health problem. Many of us are much more comfortable with our Debit or Credit cards than in jingling change in our pockets or dollars in our wallets. Criptocurrency and BlockChain are the logical next step into the future, opening doors across borders and time itself.

Even if you are not ready to leap into the future… like so many we’re certain you are curious about these innovations and what kind of technology is behind it all. We are working to Upgrade Your Life with adding products, programs and services that will prepare you to move forward with BlockChain.


The technology of Blockchain is receiving attention from not only the IT (Information Technology) industry, but also from the financial industry. It is considered the most promising financial service technology ever!

Virtually every major financial institution is looking to apply this technology in some area of their business. The expected gains for payments or even stock trading are improving speed, security and transparency, all with a reduction of costs for transactions.


Those in the know predict remarkable potential of blockchain to redefine the entire financial system and the ability to change the most fundamental structures of global economy. You can get a safe education with our information page, BLOCKCHAIN DETAILS. Learn how you can Upgrade Your Life and benefit from the economic changes of Blockchain.

Cryptocurrency Support and Information

The trick here is to drop the “Crypto” and concentrate solely on the words CURRENCY AND WALLET. These are two words we are all familiar with. We are comfortable with the concept. We have created a page that explains just what cryptoCURRENCY and WALLETS are available. In visiting this page you will find resources giving you an amazing solution for the purchase and exchange of cryptoCURRENCY. See the information here:

Blockchain Details: 

HOW CAN YOU BENEFIT FROM BLOCKCHAIN? This resource page will help you get a better idea of just what this is all about. We explain what it means and just how you can benefit with our blockchain details. Get informed here

Have you heard about Cryptocurrency Mining?

Once you understand the cryptoCURRENCY and criptoWALLET concept we’ve provided you with above, we’re certain you will want to learn more. Learn how to mine for cryptoCURRENCY!! You don’t even need a donkey or a pick!! You will see how to mine for BTC (Bitcoin), ETH (Etherem) of various other cryptoCURRENCIES available. OR BETTER STILL, join our Mining Community and turn your computer into a micro-mining machine. This is the closest thing to turning your PC into an ATM that we’ve found. Start earning Cryptocurrency Here

Travel on the blockchain:

Oh the places you can go and the things you can see once you believe you can Upgrade Your Life. This is not putting on airs or living beyond your means. It is the ability to create something solid and real. We were first to get on-board with this travel phenomenon and you can say you saw it here first. Internet virtually changed Travel forever and on Blockchain it is happening again. We have it first here and now and you can Get going with Decentralized Travel here.

We strongly urge you to bookmark this page. Even if you are not “ready” to go forward at this time, we’re willing to bet that in the not so distant future you will want at least more information on this phenomenon. You will want at the very least more education on all of this, please see our Blockchain Details and Information Page Here.  We will continue to update and add to this Category Page. These updates and new services will not only Upgrade Your Life, but can give you a way to share in the incomes they allow for small and large investors alike.